Sunday, June 30, 2013

Food Glorious Food

My mom and I were the only ones home for lunch on Friday and it was really enjoyable to be able to have that one on one time with her. She also yelled at me for asking if I could wash the dishes after lunch. I don't like not being able to help with chores, especially with something as simple as washing a few plates. Instead of letting me help, she told me to go take a nap. And so, the rest of the afternoon was filled with sleep. I feel like I sleep so much here (in terms of naps and going to bed early) but thinking in Spanish is so exhausting. By the end of the day, my brain feels like mush.

Anna came over later on and we ended up going to a pub called Cafe Journal where we met Sean. Coincidentally, other people from our program were there too. After ‘pre-gaming’ it at Cafe Journal, we went to a karaoke bar a few blocks away. Various songs were sung throughout the night, but it took a while to get on 'the list'. With time, Anna, Roshard, and I sang Obsesion by Aventura (shout out to high school Spanish class for introducing that song years ago!). It's also safe to say that we lack musical talent.

{TRAVEL WARNING: Drinks in South America are a lot stronger than those in the States....}

Saturday the family invited me to go to someone's house. I don't really remember how everyone is related, but somehow they're all family. The moment I walked in the door, people started speaking English with me until I told them that I can speak Spanish. I was also being handed food left and right, literally. I would be talking with someone and someone else would come up to me and wave food around until I took it. Like always, I was extremely full after lunch--which lasted from 2:30 until 8 PM... It started with appetizers. Then they brought out the actual meal, which was meat (I forgot how good meat really is!), three types of salad, and potatoes. Then it was followed by dessert. And then a second round of dessert. And then birthday cake... And in between that, they kept filling my glass with wine, pisco sour, whisky, etc. I had to cut them off at some point and just tell them that I wanted water. But, they persistently asked me if I wanted a drink and kept asking me if I was hungry. 

They asked about life back home and asked if I thought that they were all crazy and I told them that my family back at home is just as crazy and that being with them reminded me of them. I was able to identify each person as being "x" person in the Mogensen or Reiske family. It was insane and kind of weirded me out for a while. But then at the same time, it was refreshing. It felt as if each person I love was here in Chile with me.

Claudia and I left before our parents did--they were out REALLY late. I showed Claudia how to make popcorn on the stove with just the seeds, oil, and a little salt and butter. It's her new favorite snack. We then just watched a movie and had some good bonding time.

I'm so thankful for this weekend because for the first time in weeks, I actually felt like myself. I'm at my 100% ALtential.

Hugs to everyone and see you in a month!

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