Friday, June 21, 2013


{backstory: tuesday I was super sick and spent the afternoon sleeping/vomming (but don’t worry, I’m okay now). and so, that leaves Wednesday wide open for the start of my awkward journey.}

Life wouldn’t be normal without a little awkwardness in it. Or, a lot of awkwardness. Actress Rachel Lefevre noted that her awkward stage extended well into high school. Well, mine has extended well into college, and will probably continue for the rest of my life. 

Awkward moment 1:
I woke up Wednesday morning for my daily shower and it was cold. Meanwhile, my host mom and dad were knocking on the door telling me to turn off the water. By the time I comprehended what they were telling me, my shower was over. I walked out and they were laughing at me because the hot water had not been turned on yet for that morning (which is why my shower was cold)...

Awkward moment 2:
At lunchtime on Wednesday, my mom had asked how I was feeling and I told her that I felt like a million dollars! However, instead of saying “me siento como un milón dolAres”, I said “me siento como un milón dolOres”. Which translates to, I feel like a million pains...

Awkward moment 3:
Wednesday I had my appetite and was actually able to eat lunch. My family asked if I was hungry and I said, “Sí. ¡Tengo hambre--yo puedo comer un elefante ahora!”, or roughly, I could eat an elefphant right now. We had soup that day. They didn’t understand...

Awkward moment 4:
Yesterday we took a tour of Valparaíso and right as someone told me to watch out for dog poop everywhere, I stepped in it. And afterwards, our tour guide told us to watch out for the dog poop on the streets...

Awkward moment 5:
We had a boat tour of Valpo and as I was getting in the boat, I naturally tripped and had to awkwardly regain my balance to avoid a face plant. Meanwhile, everyone else was able to get in gracefully... 

Awkward moment 6:
I’m not really sure what the protocol is when it comes to answering the house phone. And so, last night, I ignored the phone all three times that it rang. This morning, my parents asked me why I didn’t answer the phone when they called...

Awkward moment 7:
My mom told me to try a piece of her homemade piecrust. I successfully broke a piece off and it tasted delicious. However, in the process, crumbs flew everywhere. The floor had also just been cleaned. And she was about to go to bed.

Moral of this post is that I’m still awkward—even in Chile.

1 comment:

  1. favorite part of this blog post... "I could eat an elephant right now. We had soup that day. They didn't understand..."

    Sounds like you are having a wonderfully awkward time! So happy for you and can't wait to hear more amazing stories
