Friday, May 24, 2013

the sky is the same color wherever you go

17 hours on multiple planes and 12 hours worth of layovers is where my summer adventure in Bolivia and Chile begin. It's crazy to think that it all starts tomorrow. Even though I will not arrive in Bolivia until late Sunday evening, my mind has been there since Christmas. My dreams have been in Spanish since late April or early May. And my heart has been there since high-school.

This recent week home has been filled with lots of family time and a plethora of last minute errands. Several questions from various friends and family about my trip have been thrown in my direction. The two that get brought up the most are what I'm most excited for and what I'm most nervous about.

To answer:
It's hard to pinpoint exactly what I am most excited for because I honestly have no idea what to expect. I feel as if I'm going into it blind. But, if I must answer I would say that I am most excited to befriend an alpaca. It would honestly probably be the highlight of any day! Okay, and I guess speaking Spanish all the time will be pretty stellar! Seriously.

Most people assume I most worried about the plane ride. Or worried about not being able to fully communicate with anyone I encounter--especially my host family. None of that--those are things I'm looking forward to! Honestly,  I am most worried about missing adventures with my family and friends here in the States and not having a place in their hearts when I return.

There is a Persian saying that says "the sky is the same color wherever you go". It assures me that that my family and friends will always be here for me when I get back late July. And I know I will find as much love and compassion with my new friends (that don't even exist yet) that it will seem as if I never left home!

So mis amigos, I invite you to follow me on my escapade through Bolivia and Chile.

¡Buena suerte con sus veranos y espero que se llenan de tanta alegría como la mía será! In other words, good luck with your summers and I hope that they are filled with as much joy as mine will be!

Con amor,


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